sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Full name: Michael Joseph Jackson

Birthplace: Gary, United States

Date of birth: August 29, 1958

Date of death: June 25, 2009

Sign: Virgo

Born in 1958 in Gary, an industrial city on Lake Michigan, Indiana, United States.

His father operated cranes at a metal factory and barely enough to support his family consisting of himself, his wife and nine children, of whom Michael was the seventh born.

His father was extremely strict, and was fond of blues music, had a guitar, but did not allow their children to catch it, but when he was not the paying his mother as long as they stay home and not in the dangerous streets the becindario they inhabited.

Realizing the musical skills of their children, Joseph, his father, decides to form a group with his four adult children: Tito, Jackie, Marlon Jermanie and at that time Michael was three or four years and could not be in the brackets existed But sometimes collaborated playing bongo drums. Then the group was called Ripples & Waves.

One day, his mother, Michael is the easy to sing and move, and persuades his father to get him to the group, was then called Ripples & Waves Plus Michael to finish becoming later in the Jackson Five.

After four years, sang in public for the first time, playing "Climb Every Mountain" from the musical "The Sound of Music" at the end of the school party in his primary school, Garnett.

By 1970, as The Jackson Five, Michael becomes the focus of the group, and soon after, and were among the bands that sold over eight million records.

Over the next few years are presented in all competitions for fans of Gary, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and other eastern cities, leaving nearly all of them winners.

Michael's debut as a soloist was in 1972 when, intrigued by the soul, recorded "Got to be there." Was 13 and that first album was a success.

Later, he released his second album, Ben, who bore the name of their first single, a ballad that also served as the theme of the eponymous film and had the same fate as its predecessor. During the following years, he recorded Music and me (1974) and Forever (1975), until in 1978 he fulfilled another of his dreams: the movies.

On the big screen played the role of the 'Scarecrow' in The Wizard of Oz, and the film set of the film met who later would become the largest producer of his career: Quincy Jones.

It came Off The Wall (1979)-produced by Jones, "and the world knew him to an adult Michael Jackson, who earned his first Grammy for the song" Do not stop 'til you get enough "with him transformed into a star.

His career was divided into a before and after their biggest hit, Thriller, in 1982, for the nearly 50 million copies sold worldwide made it the most purchased album in music history to date, plus earning him eight Grammys, a record.

Before the release of their next album, he participated in a couple of projects: Paul McCartney recorded the song "Say, Say, say," they had done "The girl is mine" - and wrote "We Are the World" in 1985, a song to raise funds for charity for African children with USA For Africa project.

As happened with so many musicians, it was difficult to return to recording after a success like Thriller, but another of his great successes was Bad, in early 1987, where it tore off the track "Leave me alone," with which won a Grammy.

Later, between endless world tours and millions in advertising campaigns, was followed by the album Dangerous (1991), the double compilation HIStory-Past, Present and Future "(1995), Blood on the Dance Floor (1997) and Invincible (2001) , although the latter does not throw as stratospheric sales as precedent.

Following the failed Invincible, with whom he celebrated 30 years as a soloist, verbally threatening the president of Sony Music, Tommy Mottola, of course racism and lack of promotion.

Also in 2001 recorded the song "What more can I give" with the intention of raising funds for those affected by the attack on the Twin Towers in New York on September 11 of that year, however, the album never came out for sale due to problems he had with Sony.

In 2002, he returned to film with a very small part in Men In Black 2.

In 2004 he was accused of sexually abusing a boy of 14 years, but was acquitted of all charges in June 2005. After the scandal came to live on the island of Bahrain at the invitation of the Prince of that country.

In 2006, the U.S. police, ordered to close his Neverland ranch, for debt, although it was thought that it was to investigate their alleged relations with minors.

Although since 2001 had not released any new album, was released Varais compilations of their greatest hits and their videos, which are always characterized by its impressive film-type productions.

In February 2008, to mark the 25th anniversary of Thriller, released a special edition which included six new songs, videos and a performance on vivo.El album was released under the title "Thriller: 25 th Aniversary Edition. This album has sold over three million copies worldwide.

The same year it began to circulate on the Internet radio and the song "Hold my Hand" performed by Akon and Jackson, which becomes a hit.

On 29 August 2008 also, on the occasion of his 50th birthday, he released the compilation album King of Pop, in most of the world. The album included songs from his solo career and the Jackson Five, which were chosen by fans through voting by Internet.

In March 2009, to the surprise of friends and strangers, announced his comeback with a series of concerts at the 02 Arena in London, where he signed a multimillion dollar contract for 10 dates. Days later, on the application of the pubic, it was announced that the dates had already risen to 50, in London alone.

The tour will take place from 13 July to be called That's It, and, according to its developer, would release new singles live, however, this farewell tour never took place because, just two weeks before the start date, June 25 exactly, pirde life suddenly in a hospital in the city of Los Angeles, after spending several hours in a coma, VICTIMS of a heart attack.

On June 7, 2009 was carried out by the most famous memorial award in history, where family, colleagues, friends and fans gave the last farewell of "King of Pop" at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. His coffin was bathed in gold, lined with velvet azuln at a cost of $ 25,000.

Mariah Carey, Brooke Shield, Usher, John Mayer, Jennifer Hudson, athletes Magic Johnson and Kobe Bryant, as well as family friends, participated in what was one of the most watched massive events worldwide.

His brothers used a copy of Jackson wearing gloves, gold tie and a flower in his lapel.


During his career, has always been he who does most of the choreographed routines.

He has written two books: Moonwalk (autobiographical) and Dancing in the Dream (poems).

He wrote the story of his film Moonwalker, and many of his videos, also wrote the book ET for which he won a Grammy for Best Recording for Children.

He is a skilled draftsman, two of his drawings are printed on the Thriller album art, there is also a portrait of Charles Chaplin dedicated to his niece, which was auctioned for several thousand dollars.

As a director, made several of his videos and touring Bad World Tour, Dangerous World Tour and That's It.

It is registered in the Guinness Book of récrods as dienro artist who has donated to humanitarian causes, with 300 million dollars.

He is the founder of Heal The World, an association that is dedicated to helping children around the world.

Has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

He has been married to Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis Presley-de Daborah Rowe, who bore him Prince Michael and Paris, also has a third son, Prince Michael II, who according to the same singer, fathered with his sperm and a mother rental.

In the sentimental, was linked to actresses like Liz Taylor or Brooke Shields.

He has often stated that the change in the color of their skin should they suffer a degenerative disease of the skin called vitiligo.

His tribute was on June 7, 2009, seven years ago esribió his will, the number of letters in their two names was 7 and was the seventh of his brothers
Nombre completo: Michael Joseph Jackson

Lugar de nacimiento: Gary, Estados Unidos

Fecha de nacimiento: 29 de agosto de 1958

Fecha de fallecimiento: 25 de junio de 2009

Signo: Virgo

Nació en 1958 en Gary, una ciudad industrial a orillas del lago Michigan, en el estado de Indiana, en Estados Unidos.

Su padre operaba grúas en una fábrica de metal y apenas le alcanzaba para mantener a su familia que consistía en él, su esposa y sus nueve hijos, de los que Michael fue el séptimo en nacer.

Su padre era extremadamente estricto, era aficionado al blues y la música, tenía una guitarra, pero no permitía que sus hijos la agarraran, pero cuando él no estaba su madre se las prestaba con tal de que permanecieran en casa y no en las peligrosas calles del becindario que habitaban.

Al darse cuenta de las habilidades musicales de sus hijos, Joseph, su padre, decide formar un grupo con sus cuatro hijos mayores: Tito, Jackie, Jermanie y Marlon, en aquel entonces Michael tenía tres o cuatro años y no podía estar en el gurpo, pero a veces colaboraba tocando los bongos. Entonces el grupo se llamaba Ripples & Waves.

Un dia, su madre, ve la facilidad de Michael para cantar y moverse y convence a su padre de meterlo al grupo, que entonces se llamó Ripples & Waves Plus Micheal para terminar convirtiéndose tiempo después en los Jackson Five.

A los cuatro años, cantó en público por primera vez, interpretando "Climb every mountain", del musical "Sonrisas y Lágrimas", en la fiesta de fin de cursos en el colegio de su primaria, Garnett.

En 1970, ya como The Jackson Five, Micheal se convierte en el centro de atención de la agrupación, y al poco tiempo ya estaban entre las bandas que vendían más de ocho millones de discos.

Durante los próximos años se presentan en todos los concursos de aficionados de Gary, Chicago, Nueva York, Filadelfia y otras ciudades del Este, saliendo triunfadores de casi todos ellos.

El debut de Michael como solista fue en 1972, cuando, interesado por el soul, grabó "Got to be there". Tenía 13 años y ese primer disco fue un éxito.

Tiempo después, lanzó su segundo álbum, Ben, el cual llevaba el nombre de su primer sencillo, una balada que también sirvió como tema central de la película homónima y tuvo la misma suerte que el anterior. Durante los años siguientes, grabó Music and me (1974) y Forever (1975), hasta que en 1978 cumplió otro de sus sueños: el cine.

En la pantalla grande interpretó el papel del 'Espantapájaros' en El Mago de Oz, y en el set de filmación de esa película conoció a quién más tarde se convertiría en el productor más importante de su carrera: Quincy Jones.

Así llegó Off the wall (1979) -producido por Jones-, y con él el mundo conocía a un adulto Michael Jackson, que ganaba su primer premio Grammy por el tema "Don't stop 'til you get enough" con él transformado en una estrella.

Su carrera se dividió en un antes y un después de su mayor éxito, Thriller, en 1982, pues los casi 50 millones de copias vendidas en el mundo lo convirtieron en el disco más comprado en la historia de la música hasta la fecha, además de valerle ocho Grammy, todo un récord.

Antes de editar su siguiente disco, participó en un par de proyectos: grabó con Paul McCartney el tema "Say, say, say" -antes habían hecho "The girl is mine"- y compuso "We are the world" en 1985, una canción destinada a recaudar fondos con fines benéficos para los niños africanos con el proyecto USA For Africa.

Como pasó con tantos músicos, le fue difícil volver a grabar un disco después de un éxito como el de Thriller, pero otro de sus grandes éxitos fue Bad, a principios de 1987, de donde se desprendió el tema "Leave me alone", con el cual consiguió un Grammy.

Más tarde, entre interminables giras mundiales y campañas publicitarias millonarias, le siguió el disco Dangerous (1991), además del recopilatorio doble HIStory -Past, Present and Future- (1995), Blood on the dance floor (1997) e Invincible (2001), aunque estos últimos no arrojarían ventas tan estratosféricas como los precedentes.

A raíz del fallido Invincible, con el que festejó sus 30 años como solista, amenazó verbalmente al presidente de Sony Music, Tommy Mottola, por supuesto racismo y falta de promoción.

También en 2001 grabó la canción "What more can I give", con la intención de recaudar fondos para los afectados en el ataque a Las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York, el 11 de septiembre de ese mismo año, sin embargo, el álbum nunca salió a la venta debido a los problemas que tuvo con Sony.

En 2002, volvió al cine con una muy breve participación en Men In Black 2.

En 2004, fue acusado de haber abusado sexualmente de un niño de 14 años, sin embargo fue declarado inocente de todos los cargos en junio de 2005. Tras el escándalo se fue a vivir a la isla de Bahrain, invitado por el Príncipe de dicho país.

En 2006, la policía de Estados Unidos, ordenó que se cerrara su rancho Neverland, por deudas, aunque también se llegó a pensar que era para que se le investigara por sus supuestas relaciones con menores.

Aunque desde 2001 no había lanzado ningún nuevo disco, había lanzado varais recopilaciones de sus más grandes éxitos y de sus videos, los cuales siempre se caracterizaron por sus impresionantes producciones tipo película.

En febrero de 2008, con motivo del 25 aniversario de Thriller, publicó una edición especial que incluía seis canciones inéditas, videos y una actuación en vivo.El disco salió al mercado bajo el título de Thriller: 25 th Aniversary Edition. Este álbum ha vendido más de tres millones de copias en todo el mundo.

El mismo año, empieza a circular en la radio y en Internet el tema "Hold my Hand" interpretado por Akon y Jackson, el cual se convierte en un éxito.

El 29 de agosto también de 2008, y con motivo de su cumpleaños número 50, lanzó el álbum recopilatorio King of Pop, en casi todo el mundo. El álbum incluía canciones de su carrera como solista y de los Jackson Five, las cuales, fueron elegidas por los fans a través de una votación realizada por Internet.

En marzo de 2009, para sorpresa de propios y extraños, anuncia su regreso a los escenarios con una serie de conciertos en la Arena 02 de Londres, donde firmó un contrato millonario por 10 fechas. Días después, tras la demanda del púbico, se anuncia que las fechas ya habían aumentado a 50, sólo en Londres.

La gira se llevaría a cabo a partir del 13 de julio y se llamaría That's It, y, según su promotor, estrenaría nuevos sencillos en vivo, sin embargo, este tour de despedida nunca se llevó a cabo, ya que, tan sólo dos semanas antes de la fecha de inicio, el 25 de junio exactamente, pirde la vida súbitamente en un hospital de la ciudad de Los Ángeles, luego de haber permanecido varias horas en coma, vícitma de un paro cardiaco.

El 7 de junio de 2009 se llevó a cabo el homenaje póstumo más famoso de la historia, donde familiares, colegas, amigos y fans dieron el último adiós a "El rey del pop" en el Staples Center de Los Ángeles. Su ataud fue bañado en oro, forrado con terciopelo azuln y tuvo un costo de 25 mil dólares.

Mariah Carey, Brooke Shield, Usher, John Mayer, Jennifer Hudson, los deportistas Magic Johnson y Kobe Bryant, así como amigos de la familia, participaron en lo que fue uno de los eventos masivos más vistos de todo el mundo.

Sus hermanos usaron una copia del guante que usaba Jackson, corbata dorada y una flor en la solapa.


Durante su carrera, siempre ha sido él quien realiza la mayoría de las rutinas coreográficas.

Ha escrito dos libros: Moonwalk (autobiográfico) y Dancing in the Dream (poemas).

Escribió la historia de su película Moonwalker, además de muchos de sus videos, también redactó el libro de E.T. por el cual ganó un Grammy a Mejor Grabación Para Niños.

Es un hábil dibujante, dos de sus dibujos están impresos en el arte del álbum Thriller, además hay un retrato de Charles Chaplin dedicado a su sobrina, el cual se subastó en varios miles de dólares.

Como director, ha realizado varios de sus videos así como sus giras Bad World Tour, Dangerous World Tour y That's It.

Está registrado en el libro de récrods Guiness como el artista que más dienro ha donado a causas humanitarias, con 300 millones de dólares.

Es fundador de Heal The World, asociación que se dedica a ayudar a niños de todo el mundo.

En dos ocasiones ha sido nominado para recibir el premio Nobel de la Paz.

Ha estado casado con Lisa Marie Presley -hija de Elvis Presley- de Daborah Rowe, con quien procreó a Prince Michael y Paris, además tiene un tecer hijo, Prince Michael II, a quien según el mismo cantante, procreó con su esperma y una madre de alquiler.

En lo sentimental, estuvo ligado a actrices como Liz Taylor o Brooke Shields.

Muchas veces ha declarado que el cambio en el color de su piel se debe a que sufre una enfermedad degenerativa de la piel, llamada vitiligo.

Su homenaje fue el día 7 de junio de 2009, 7 años atrás esribió su testamento, el número de letras de sus dos nombres era 7 y era el séptimo de sus hermanos

viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010


Michael Jackson – Got to be There (1971)

1 – Ain’t No Sunshine

2 – I Wanna Be Where You Are

3 – Girl Don’t Take Your Love From Me

4 – In Our Small Way

5 – Got to Be There

6 – Rockin’ Robin

7 – Wings of My Love

8 – Maria (You Were the Only One)

9 – Love is Here and Now You’re Gone

10 – You’ve Got a Friend

Michael Jackson – Ben (1972)

1 – Ben

2 – The Greatest Show on Earth

3 – People Make the World Go Round

4 – We’ve Got a Good Thing Going

5 – Everybody’s Somebody’s Fool

6 – My Girl

7 – What Goes Around Comes Around

8 – In Our Small Way

9 – Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo-Da-Day

10 – You Can Cry On My Shoulder

Michael Jackson – Music And Me (1973)

1 – With A Child’s Heart

2 – Up Again

3 – All The Things You Are

4 – Happy

5 – Too Young

6 – Doggin’ around

7 – Johnny Raven

8 – Euphoria

9 – Morning Glow

10 – Music & Me

Michael Jackson – Forever, Michael (1975)

1 – We’re Almost There

2 – Take Me Back

3 – One Day In Your Life

4 – Cinderella Stay Awhile

5 – We’ve Got Forever

6 – Just a Little Bit of You

7 – You Are There

8 – Dapper Dan

9 – Dear Michael

10 – I’ll Come Home to You

Michael Jackson – Off the Wall (1979)

01 – Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough

02 – Rock With You

03 – Workin’ Day And Night

04 – Get On The Floor

05 – Off The Wall

06 – Girlfriend

07 – She’s Out Of My Life

08 – I Can’t Help It

09 – It’s The Falling In Love

Michael Jackson – The Best of Michael Jackson (1980)

01 – Got to be there

02 – Ain’t no sunshine

03 – My Girl

04 – Ben

05 – Greatest Show on Earth

06 – I wanna be where you are

07 – Happy

08 – Rockin’ Robin

09 – Just A Little Bit Of You

10 – One Day In Your Life

11 – Music And Me

12 – In our small way

13 – We’re Almost There

14 – Morning Glow

Michael Jackson – One Day In Your Life (1981)

1 – One Day in Your Life

2 – Don’t Say Goodbye Again

3 – You’re My Best Friend, My Love

4 – Take Me Back

5 – We’ve Got Forever

6 – It’s Too Late to Change the Time

7 – You Are There

8 – Dear Michael

9 – I’ll Come Home to You

10 – Make Tonight All Mine

Michael Jackson – Thriller (1982)

01 – Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’

02 – Baby Be Mine

03 – The Girl Is Mine

04 – Thriller

05 – Beat It

06 – Billie Jean

07 – Human Nature

08 – P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

09 – The Lady In My Life

Michael Jackson – Farewell My Summer Love (1984)

1 – Don’t Let It Get You Down

2 – You’ve Really Got a Hold On Me

3 – Melodie

4 – Touch The One You Love

5 – Girl You’re So Together

6 – Farewell My Summer Love

7 – Call On Me

8 – Here I Am (Come and Take Me)

9 – To Make My Father Proud

Michael Jackson – Bad (1987)

1 – Bad

2 – The Way You Make Me Feel

3 – Speed Demon

4 – Liberian Girl

5 – Just Good Friends

6 – Another Part of Me

7 – Man in the Mirror

8 – I Just Can’t Stop Loving You

9 – Dirty Diana

10 – Smooth Criminal

11 – Leave Me Alone

Michael Jackson – Dangerous (1991)

1 – Jam

2 – Why you wanna trip on me

3 – In the closet

4 – She drives me wild

5 – Remember the Time

6 – Can’t let her get away

7 – Heal the world

8 – Black or white

9 – Who is it

10 – Give in to Me

11 – Will You Be There

12 – Keep the faith

13 – Gone too soon

14 – Dangerous

Michael Jackson – Motown’s Greatest Hits 1969 1975 (1992)

01 – I want you back (pwl remix)

02 – Doctor my eyes

03 – One day in your life

04 – Lookin’ throught the windows

05 – Got to be there

06 – I’ll be there

07 – The love you save

08 – A B C

09 – Rockin’ robin

10 – Happy (love theme from lady sings the blues)

11 – Ben

12 – Never can say goodbye

13 – Farewell my summer love

14 – I want you back

15 – Mama’s pearl

16 – Aint no sunshine

17 – Girl you’re so together

18 – Hallelujah day

19 – Skywriter

20 – We’re almost there

Michael Jackson – HIStory (1995)


1 – Billie Jean

2 – The Way You Make Me Feel

3 – Black or White

4 – Rock With You

5 – She Is Out Of My Life

6 – Bad

7 – I Just Can’t Stop Loving You

8 – Man In The Mirror

9 – Thriller

10 – Beat It

11 – The Girl Is Mine

12 – Remember The Time

13 – Don’t Stop ’til You Get Enough

14 – Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin

15 – Heal The World


1 – Scream con Janet Jackson

2 – They Don’t Care About Us

3 – Stranger in Moscow

4 – This Time Around

5 – Earth Song

6 – D.S.

7 – Money

8 – Come Together

9 – You Are Not Alone

10 – Childhood (Theme from Free Willy 2)

11 – Tabloid Junkie

12 – 2 Bad con Shaquille O’Neal

13 – HIStory

14 – Little Susie

15 – Smile

Michael Jackson – Blood on the Dance Floor (1997)

1 – Blood on the Dance Floor

2 – Morphine

3 – Superfly Sister

4 – Ghosts

5 – Is It Scary

6 – Scream Louder (Flyte Tyme Remix)

7 – Money (Fire Island Radio Edit)

8 – 2 Bad (Refugee Camp Mix)

9 – Stranger in Moscow (Tee’s In-House Club Mix)

10 – This Time Around (D.M. Radio Mix)

11 – Earth Song (Hani’s Club Experience)

12 – You Are Not Alone (Classic Club Mix)

13 – HIStory (Tony Moran’s HIStory Lesson)

Michael Jackson – Invincible (2001)

1 – Unbreakable

2 – Heartbreaker

3 – Invincible

4 – Break Of Dawn

5 – Heaven Can Wait

6 – You Rock My World

7 – Butterflies

8 – Speechless

9 – 2000 Watts

10 – You Are My Life

11 – Privacy

12 – Don’t Walk Away

13 – Cry

14 – The Lost Children

15 – Whatever Happens

16 – Threatened

Michael Jackson – Love Songs (2002)

1 – Who’s Lovin’ You

2 – A Fool For You

3 – Everybody’s Somebody’s Fool

4 – Got To Be There

5 – We’re Almost There

6 – We’ve Got A Good Thing Going

7 – Maybe Tomorrow

8 – Call On Me

9 – You Are There

10 – One Day In Your Life

11 – If I Don’t Love You This Way

12 – Wings Of My Love

13 – I’ll Come Home To You

14 – I’ll Be There

Michael Jackson – Numbers Ones (2003)

01. Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough

02. Rock With You

03. Billie Jean

04. Beat It

05. Thriller

06. Human Nature

07. I Just Can’t Stop Loving You

08. Bad

09. The Way You Make Me Feel

10. Dirty Diana

11. Smooth Criminal

12. Black Or White

13. You Are Not Alone

14. Earth Song

15. Blood On The Dance Floor

16. You Rock My World

17. Break Of Dawn

18. One More Chance

Michael Jackson – The Ultimate Collection (2004)


1 I Want You Back

2 Abc

3 I’ll Be There

4 Got To Be There

5 I Wanna Be Where You Are

6 Ben

7 Dancing Machine

8 Enjoy Yourself

9 Ease On Down The Road

10 You Can’t Win

11 Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)- Single Edit

12 Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)- Early Demo

13 Don’t Stop ’til You Get Enough

14 Rock With You

15 Off The Wall

16 She’s Out Of My Life

17 Sunset Driver

18 Lovely One

19 This Place Hotel


1 Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’

2 The Girl Is Mine (With Paul Mccartney)

3 Thriller

4 Beat It

5 Billie Jean

6 P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

7 Someone In The Dark

8 State Of Shock

9 Scared Of The Moon

10 We Are The World

11 We Are Here To Change The World


1 Bad

2 The Way You Make Me Feel

3 Man In The Mirror

4 I Just Can’t Stop Loving You

5 Dirty Diana

6 Smooth Criminal

7 Cheater

8 Dangerous

9 Monkey Business

11 Remember The Time

12 Black Or White

13 Who Is It

14 Someone Put Your Hand Out


1 You Are Not Alone

2 Stranger In Moscow

3 Childhood (Theme From “Free Willy 2″)

4 On The Line

5 Blood On The Dance Floor

6 Fall Again

7 In The Back

8 Unbreakable

9 You Rock My World With Intro

10 Butterflies

11 Beautiful Girl

12 The Way You Love Me

13 We’ve Had Enough

Michael Jackson – The Essential Michael Jackson (2005)


01. I Want You Back – The Jackson 5

02. ABC – The Jackson 5

03. The Love You Save – The Jackson 5

04. Got To Be There – The Jackson 5

05. Rockin’ Robin – The Jackson 5

06. Ben

07. Enjoy Yourself – The Jacksons

08. Blame It On The Boogie – The Jacksons

09. Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)

10. Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough

11. Rock With You

12. Off The Wall

13. She’s Out Of My Life

14. The Girl Is Mine (with Paul McCartney)

15. Billie Jean

16. Beat It

17. Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’

18. Human Nature

19. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

20. Thriller


01. Bad

02. I Just Can’t Stop Loving You (with Siedah Garrett)

03. Leave Me Alone

04. The Way You Make Me Feel

05. Man In The Mirror

06. Dirty Diana

07. Another Part Of Me

08. Smooth Criminal

09. Black Or White

10. Heal The World

11. Remember The Time

12. In The Closet

13. Who Is It

14. Will You Be There

15. Dangerous

16. You Are Not Alone

17. You Rock My World

Michael Jackson Thriller 25th Anniversary Edition (2008)

01. Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’

02. Baby Be Mine

03. Michael Jackson (with Paul McCartney) – The Girl Is Mine

04. Thriller

05. Beat It

06. Billie Jean

07. Human Nature

08. PYT (Pretty Young Thing)

09. The Lady In My Life

10. Vincent Price – Excerpt From “Thriller” Voice-Over Session

11. Michael Jackson (With Will.I.Am) – The Girl Is Mine 2008

12. Michael Jackson (With Will.I.Am) – PYT (Pretty Young Thing) 2008

13. Michael Jackson (With Akon) – Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ 2008

14. Michael Jackson (With Fergie) – Beat It 2008

15. Michael Jackson (With Kanye West) – Billie Jean 2008

16. For All Time (Unreleased Track From Original “Thriller” Sessions)

Michael Jackson and Jackson 5 – The Motown Years 50 (2008)


01. Jackson 5 – Abc

02. Jackson 5 – Never Can Say Goodbye

03. Jackson 5 – Ready or Not (Here I Come)

04. Jackson 5 – Love Song

05. Jackson 5 – Forever Came Today

06. Jackson 5 – the Life of the Party

07. Jackson 5 – Doctor My Eyes

08. Jackson 5 – All I Do is Think of You

09. Jackson 5 – I Am Love (Parts 1 & 2)

10. Jackson 5 – Darling Dear

11. Jackson 5 – Maybe Tomorrow

12. Jackson 5 – I Found that Girl

13. Jackson 5 – It’s Too Late to Change the Time

14. Jackson 5 – Lookin’ Through the Windows

15. Jackson 5 – Who’s Lovin’ You

16. Jackson 5 – Whatever You Got, I Want

17. Jackson 5 – I’ll Be There


01. Jackson 5 – I Want You Back

02. Jackson 5 – Dancing Machine

03. Jackson 5 – Sugar Daddy

04. Jackson 5 – Little Bitty Pretty One

05. Jackson 5 – Hum Along and Dance

06. Jackson 5 – Corner of the Sky

07. Jackson 5 – I’m So Happy

08. Jackson 5 – Get it Together

09. Jackson 5 – Goin’ Back to Indiana

10. Jackson 5 – Skywriter

11. Jackson 5 – the Love You Save

12. Jackson 5 – Mama’s Pearl

13. Jackson 5 – Touch

14. Jackson 5 – La La (Means I Love You)

15. Jackson 5 – It’s Great to Be Here

16. Jackson 5 – Hallelujah Day

17. Jackson 5 – Santa Claus is Coming to Town


01. Michael Jackson – Farewell My Summer Love

02. Michael Jackson – You’ve Got A Friend

03. Michael Jackson – My Girl

04. Michael Jackson – One Day in Your Life

05. Michael Jackson – Just A Little Bit of You

06. Michael Jackson – Got to Be There

07. Michael Jackson – We’ve Got A Good Thing Going

08. Michael Jackson – Rockin’ Robin

09. Michael Jackson – Ben

10. Michael Jackson – I Wanna Be Where You Are

11. Michael Jackson – Girl You’re So Together

12. Michael Jackson – We’re Almost There

13. Michael Jackson – Wings of My Love

14. Michael Jackson – Girl Don’t Take Your Love From Me

15. Michael Jackson – Music and Me

16. Michael Jackson – Ain’t No Sunshine

Michael Jackson – King Of Pop (2008)


1 – Billie Jean

2 – Man in the Mirror

3 – Smooth Criminal

4 – Beat It

5 – Thriller

6 – They Don’t Care About Us

7 – Who Is It

8 – Black or White

9 – You Rock My World

10 – Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’

11 – The Way You Make Me Feel

12 – Don’t Stop ’til You Get Enough

13 – Dirty Diana

14 – Blood on the Dance Floor

15 – Rock With You

16 – Stranger in Moscow

17 – Remember the Time


1 – Will You Be There

2 – Give In to Me

3 – You Are Not Alone

4 – Say Say Say

5 – Scream

6 – State of Shock

7 – Got the Hots

8 – You Can’t Win

9 – Fall Again

10 – Sunset Driver

11 – Someone Put Your Hand Out

12 – In the Back

13 – We Are the World

14 – One More Chance

15 – Thriller Megamix

Michael Jackson – The Collection (2009)


01. Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough

02. Rock With You (Single Version)

03. Workin’ Day And Night

04. Get On The Floor

05. Off the Wall

06. Girlfriend

07. She’s Out Of My Life (Single Version)

08. I Can’t Help It

09. It’s The Falling in Love

10. Burn This Disco Out

11. Voice-over Intro Quincy Jones Interview/Quincy Jones Interview #1

12. Voice-over Intro “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough (Original Demo From 1978)”

13. Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough (Original Demo From 1978)

14. Quincy Jones Interview #2

15. Voice-over Intro “Workin’ Day And Night (Original Demo From 1978)”

16. Workin’ Day And Night (Original Demo From 1978)

17. Quincy Jones Interview #3

18. Voice-over Intro Rod Temperton Interview/Rod Temperton Interview

19. Voice-over Intro Quincy Jones Interview #4/Quincy Jones Interview


01. Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’

02. Baby Be Mine

03. The Girl Is Mine

04. Thriller

05. Beat It (Single Version)

06. Billie Jean (Single Version)

07. Human Nature

08. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

09. The Lady In My Life

01. Bad

02. The Way You Make Me Feel

03. Speed Demon

04. Liberian Girl

05. Just Good Friends

06. Another Part Of Me (Single Version)

07. Man In The Mirror

08. I Just Can’t Stop Loving You

09. Dirty Diana

10. Smooth Criminal (Radio Edit)

11. Leave Me Alone

12. Voice-over Intro Quincy Jones Interview # 1/Quincy Jones Interview #1

13. Streetwalker

14. Voice-over Intro Quincy Jones Interview #2/Quincy Jones Interview #2

15. Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu (I Just Can’t Stop Loving You)

16. Quincy Jones / Quincy Jones Interview #3

17. Voice-over Intro “Fly Away”

18. Fly Away


01. Jam

02. Why You Wanna Trip On Me

03. In The Closet

04. She Drives Me Wild

05. Remember The Time

06. Can’t Let Her Get Away

07. Heal The World

08. Black Or White

09. Who Is It

10. Give In To Me

11. Will You Be There

12. Keep The Faith

13. Gone Too Soon

14. Dangerous


01. Unbreakable

02. Heartbreaker

03. Invincible

04. Break of Dawn

05. Heaven Can Wait

06. You Rock My World (Edit)

07. Butterflies

08. Speechless

09. 2000 Watts

10. You Are My Life

11. Privacy

12. Don’t Walk Away

13. Cry

14. The Lost Children

15. Whatever Happens

16. Threatened
Michael Jackson was a pop singer estadounidence, brightest star in the 80 `s and 90` s.

Excellent dancer, accompanied by an undeniable attraction to his countless fans around the world, Michael Jackson, also showed a talent for business relating to the world of music and spectacle. He began his solo career in 1971 with the album "Go to be there" his first job came in 1972 the British top ten to number one in his country with the song Ben, from there began the brilliant career of the better known King Of Pop : MICHAEL JACKSON .........

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson, fue un cantante estadounidence de pop, maxima estrella en los 80`s y 90`s.
Exelente bailarin, dotado de un atractivo indudable para sus incontables seguidores en todo el mundo, Michael Jackson, demostro tambien un talento especial para los negocios relacionados con el mundo de la musica y el espectaculo. Comenzo su carrera en solitario en 1971 con el disco "Go to be there" su primer trabajo; llego en 1972 al top ten britanico al numero uno en su pais con la cancion Ben, desde ahi empezo la brillante carrera del mejor conocido Rey Del Pop: MICHAEL JACKSON .........